Registration and login
Frequently asked questions about our registration and login procedures.
- System is not recognising my Username or Registration Key
- I am having trouble logging in
- I have forgotten my password.
- My login details have not been recognised.
- I do not have a username but I would like to use safeMedicate
- I can log in but I am receiving an Account Expired message.
- I have been given my username but I do not have a registration key.
- Why do you need my email address?
- When registering my username, the system says my email choices must match.
- When registering my username, the system says my password choices must match.
- When registering my username, the system says my username has already been registered.
- When registering my username, the system says my details cannot be found.
- When logging in, the system returns me to the front page with no error message.