
My login details have not been recognised.

This message can appear for several reasons:

  1. You must have been issued with a username from either your institution or directly from Authentic World if a personal user. You cannot access safeMedicate without a valid username.
  2. Before logging in for the first time, you must register your username by choosing Register a new account from the login page of the Portal.
  3. Ensure that you are typing in your username (or registered email address) and password correctly.
  4. Check that you are trying to login at the correct website. We have 2 safeMedicate websites one is and the other . All UK users MUST login at the first of these (the .com site) - if you attempt to login at the other site your details will not be recognised. We would advise that you bookmark the site rather than use Google (or any other search engine) to try and find us as you may inadvertently choose the .net site from the search results.


If you have forgotten your login details, please click here for Password Assistance.

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